Wednesday 22 July 2015

Chaithra Katamneni wins Junior Texas Open Golf Tournament

SAN ANTONIO — Chaithra Katamneni of Coppell, Texas, wins after shooting a final-round 2-over-par 74 for a tournament total of 9-over-par 225 on the AT&T Oaks Course at TPC San Antonio.

Katamneni carded three birdies on the day, including one on the 303 yard par 4 No. 17 to seal the victory.

“Later on in the round is when I really started to calm down,” Katamneni said. “Once I did that, I was able to make some pars and a couple birdies.”

She will be competing in two other AJGA events this summer before starting her college career at the University of Nevada in the fall. The win is her first in four years of AJGA competition and she feels her confidence has returned.

“It feels so great to get this win. This course is really hard and I feel great just getting around the course,” Katamneni said. “I had been struggling for a little while and now I know that I can compete and hang in there with the pressure situations.”

Sunday 19 July 2015

Guna Sekhar Muppuri successful NRI Entrepreneur

A Physician, by profession graduated from the class of 1986-1991 at S.V. University Medical College, Tirupati-India. Later he migrated to Jamaica in early 1992 and since then, he worked in various capacities as a medical officer in the health care system of Jamaica between private and public sector entities. A compassionate and caring physician with over 20 years of medical experience in Jamaica and 8 years of experience as an entrepreneur in the field of pharmaceuticals.

Dr. Guna Sekhar Muppuri is a visionary principal founder and CEO of Indies Pharma Ja Ltd and under his able stewardship the organization has become a force to reckon with in the generic pharmaceuticals branding and distribution in Jamaica.

Dr. Guna Muppuri is a well established & successful entrepreneur in diversified industries ranging from pharmaceuticals, health care/medical education to heavy metals manufacturing industry. Dr. 
Muppuri is also the Co-Founder & Promoter of GMP Greenfield India Pvt Ltd, ECOAMIGOS GMP Caribbean, Bioprist Pharmaceuticals NA LLC, Bioprist Labs Americas Ltd. Dr. Muppuri will be taking over the responsibility of president of the upcoming International Health Sciences University in order to design & establish the road for a world class Medical & Health Sciences University in the Caribbean. 

Dr. Guna Muppuri was given the FIRST Good Physician of the Year Award by the Medical Association of Jamaica in 2008, he was the National Winner of the 2009 NCB Innovation Award

Thursday 16 July 2015

Bhagavan Sri Venkaiah Swamy: Kammavar Avadhuta

"Feed the hungry not the belching. Respond to the needy, help people in trouble." are some of the sayings of the saint from Golgamudi.

It is a difficult question to answer who Sri Venkaiah Swamy is. Some say he is physician supreme who has cured many incurable diseases like cancer, some say he is avatar of Lord Datta who has uplifted many spritual seekers to reach their spritiual goal but every one agrees that he is for the benefit of the people.

A Saint of Golagamudi, a small village near Nellore, is the embodiment of dharma and practised dharma through out his life. He has always been the saviour for the ones who belived him and came to him for help. He helped his devotees and disciples in all possible means. As God rescue's every creature in the universe and lead them to the divine path, Sadguru Venkaiah Swamy also helps not only human beings but also he is the only saviour for cattle, and all creatures who came to his presence at the time of dire need. Sri Venkaiah Swamy resembles Sri Sai baba of Shiridi in many ways. The experiences of the devotees confirm that they both used similar ways to save their devotees. You can know more about it in his life history.

Sri Venkaiah Swamy was born in a Kamma family to a pious couple Smt Sompalli pitchamma and Sri Penchalaiah as their eldest son at Nagulavellatur - a village in Nellore district. He has two brothers and a sister. No one is alive now.We do not have exact date of birth of Sri Swamy. Swamy said he was 13 at the time of great famine in the year DATU. By that, Swamy should be more than 100yrs at the time of his maha samadhi (this was from a old lawyer in Nellore).

In his boyhood, he was just like any other boy of his age. For a few days he went for a private tution, during nights, to Sri Siddiraju Ramaiah. After one or two months due to poverty he discontinued his studies at his tutor. From the age of 5 he is a lover of loneliness. When his playmates invited him to play then he used to avoid them politely by saying "Brother! I have commited a theft; now the police will come and arrest me. If you are with me you will also be arrested. Please go away from me". When the children went away he used to sit behind a door for meditation(says Komarigiri Ramaiah a servant who had served Swamiji nearly 30 yrs). Swamy used to go to jungle along with his friends to collect date fruits. He will sit behind a bush and carry on meditation. If any of his friends disturb him he will tell the same words and send them away.

It is always the tough times which shows the differences of a common man from a yogi. A true saint will take all his troubles as a tests from god and see divine bliss after crossing every hurdle. Similarly, Sri Venkaiah Swamy has took all responsibilities of his family at very early stage. At the age of 16 he used to earn expenses for his family. He used to cut firewood and sell it in the near by town. He also used to bring banyan leaves, which were used for the preparation of leave plates, from the forest and sold them at Nellore (a near by town to his village).

His sister Mangamma who died in 1989 at Golagamudi narrated his boyhood in this manner. He learned ploughing at the age of 12 which was impossible for any one at that age. Every one was surprised on how Swamy learnt all the work without any help, but at that time there were none to guess a yogi within Sri Swamy. He performed all sorts of agricultural work to the best satisfaction of elders. He did every work to utmost precision that every one wondered and cannot control their expression to appreciate Sri Swamy. The furrows laid in the field were so straight that the egg kept at one end was seen from other end. They were like the lines drawn using ruler. He cut the crop so neatly that it resembled machine cutting. All the crop was cut at the same height. All the heaps was of equal bulk and not even a single plant was scattered. He demonstrates us that doing even a smallpiece of work assiduously, was yoga itself. He used to work in the fields for the daily wages also. His parents treated him with great regard. They used to send swamy's sister or brother to assist him to get the grain home. When Swamy was 5, he sowed tamarind, margosa etc around his house. Even though they did not take proper care of them, they grew up into big trees. At that time we could not know that they are miraculous hands of a yogi.

Sri Swamy's sister says, "Even from his childhood he was very intelligent and was respected. Even though I was quite younger to him, he never addressed in singular name. He always called me by full name. I used to call him Venkanna just like his playmates." But he corrected me saying "You should not call me Venkanna like the other boys, Sister! You should call me "brother" You should not call me by name."

"He was leader for all his playmates. They came to him to settle their disputes. At the time of my marriage he was not considered a lunatic. My mother wanted to seek an alliance, for my marriage, from a faroff village, Rajapadmapuram. Sri Swamy was not willing to send me to such a distant place. So he quarrelled with my mother on this issue. But my mother was adamant and settled the same alliance. He did not attend the marriage function and slept in the fields expressing his dissatisfaction. " 

This is the turning point in Sri Swamy's life to move out of his home to continue his spritual goals. For an external world it may appear that he is going aganist his family but one point to guess here is he took his family responsibilities till his sister is married. In Indian tradition, it is one of the major responsibilities for a elder brother to get his sister married which Sri Swamy fulfilled according to sastras. Now he turned towards his Spritual quests.

Lover of truth: 

Sri Swamy right from his childhood never lied at any point of time. Rather, every word and every prediction of Sri Swamy came true. Once during the childhood of Sri Swamy, a beggar came to his house to take alms. Swamy's mother replied that there is no grain in house. Swamy immediately asked him to come after an hour and collect grain. He always encouraged every one to be honest than to escape from truth.

Sadhana period: 

After his sister's marriage, Sri Swamy has strong internal urge to carry on his spiritual sadhanas. He wants to be alone without any hinderances for his sadhana. Once, at the age of 20, he was suffering with severe fever for a week. In those days there were no medicines or hospitals as today and fasting is the only remedy. He took few ground nut peas and was in bed. One day he began to speak insane words. He asked his parents "Our house is going to be auctioned, where will u live?" There were no debts to his family. How could it be auctioned and by whom? As they could not make out any meaning or reason for his words, they concluded that he was off his brain due to severe fever. So, they started doing all sorts of tantric and quack treatments. After a month he began to run round the streets shouting "Mangal Yoga, Chakal Yoga, Zakkala Yoga" dubuduck dubuduck.He used to move only in lonely places. He did not take food and water for 2 or 3 days. He did not come to the house. No one knows what spritual sadhanas he used to do during that time. His parents used to send food tied in a piece of cloth through a cooli. Swamy used to follow the cooli and come home. After taking his meal, he used to runout hurriedly. 

People used to think that he is insane when he is running on streets saying "Mangal Yoga, Chakal Yoga, Zakkala Yoga dubuduck dubuduck". Is he really insane? Does it mean any thing? Probably, people during that time could not make out hidden meaning in it and concluded that he used to say meaning less words. In this Kaliyuga Lord datta promised that he is going to take avatar in the form of Avadhutas. People in this yuga should believe in the lotus feet of Sadguru to get rid of all their sins and get spiritually advanced. Sadguru cleanses his devotees just as a dhobi (Washerman) removes dirt from the clothes. He removes all the sins of his devotees and make them pure and eligible for spritual progress. Sadguru removes unwanted samskaras from his devotees which are obstacles for their spritual growth just as barber takes out the unwanted waste from us. Sadguru Venkaiah Swamy used to mention how he uplifts people in a very crisp and mystic way but unfortunately, at that time, there is no one to understand hidden truth of his words.

He used to snatch food from dhobi, barbers, and other low caste people and eat. Caste system was very strictly followed in those days. Due to endless wanderings in forests without food and drink for days together, all his clothes were torn to rags. When he came home his mother gave him sumptuous feeding and kept new clothes ready for him. He put on the new clothes and ran out into forest. At this stage all people called him mad Venkaiah.

Once his parents tied him to a pole by foot and hand and gave him some treatments. When he was tied swamy never resisted them and used to bear it to any length of time. As there was no improvement in his condition his mother set him free as she could not bear the sight of her son being bound to a pole like a bull.

During this time he lived in Rajapadmapuram for some time taking food at his sister Mangamma's house. One day the village children asked Swamy "Venkanna, please tell us story, we will give u sankati", Swamy crisply replied " If rice is given, sight will be lost, so give sankati only". They came to conclusion that he was not at all mad. He neither abhorred nor bet any one. He would never use impolite language. He would ask only those who would give him food. The only thing which was different from all others was that he would be wandering in lonely places without any rest.

His occult powers: One day Sri Swamy came to Mangamma to take her to his native place, Nagula Vellatur to see his mother who was ill. She thought "If I go with this mad boy he may leave me some where in the middle. Now what to do?" At once Omniscient Swamy crisply replied to her unuttered thought "What sister! I am not such a mad boy to leave you in the middle of the way". This shows his super human powers right from childhood.

One day Mangamma's son was seriously ill. She was crying in fear. At once Swamy waved his palm on the face of the child and said "Sister! You need not fear. The child will be alright. Strangely, from that moment the child began to recover gradually.

There were many number of incidents to prove that he was endowed with occult powers even from his childhood. But the pity was no body could believe his powers. They thought that it happened by chance.

Yogic sadhana: 

While people considered him as Lunatic and ignored him Sri Swamy used to do yogic sadhana in the lonely places. He used to hang his head downwards by twisting his legs to the branches of a tree that projected into the wells. When he lost the grip of the twist he would fall head long into the well. He will swim out of the well and again hang in the same fashion.

This type of sadhana was given to Sri Sai by his spiritual teacher and was also practiced by many saints. Swamy's younger brother narrates some such habits of Swamy which he saw. If any double bullock card was going on the road Swamy would sleek behind the cart and hung head downwards twisting his legs to the cart. If anybody noticed it the he would sit right nicely. 
He was wandering freely in his village for two or more years. One day he disappeared from the village. Nobody knew his whereabouts. His parents searched for him in the near by forest and villages but in vain. They lost hope and gave up their trials. At this time he was aged twenty years.

After four or five years he again appeared in the neibouring villages. But by this time he was no more a mad person. He was called Sri Venkaiah Swamy. Every body treated him with great respect and reverence. At this stage he was able to cure incurable diseases only with a word or by giving a piece of thread or incense.

Swamy's younger brother narrates - Swamiji used to sit at a distance of 4 inches from the sacred fire eventhough flames were raising to heights. We cannot tolerate it from such a close distance. After his days wanderings he would go to his sister's house for food. When he brother-in-laws zeered at him that he is eating wastefully, he would not stay there any further. Whenever he came home, we should silently serve him and come out of his room, only then he would eat. If we stand there he would ask for privacy.

After his ramblings in forest he would gather 2 kilos of groundnuts from forests and give it to his sister and eat food in her house, probably, he did not want to be indebted to his sister.
After he left his native place, Nagulavellatur, he never entered to that village again. His brother requested to come to village but swamy did not enter to that village. At that time his family was cutting maize crop. He began to cut the crop with his usual slogan Chakal yoga, mangal yoga and did double the work, four days work was done in two days.


Sri Swamy maintained sacred fire called Dhuni throughout his life. It is still being maintained after his Maha Samadhi(shedding his moral coil). Irrespective of season or day where ever he stays he used to have burning fire next to him. In hindu traditions fire symbolises pious ness. It burns away all your sins and purify oneself. Swamy redirects all sins of the devotees to the burning fire and whence purify them. None else apart from saints in Datta tradition could be able to do this. He resembles Sri Sai Baba of Shiridi who maintained sacred fire throughout his life in Dwarakamai. 
At kotitheertham village, once a very big log of wood came to the banks of the river through flood waters. Many tried to take it home but they could not take it as it is very heavy. But the next day morning that log was burning in the sacred fire of Sri Swamiji. The villagers reproached swamy for burning useful log. One of them slapped swamy. By the time those people went to their home their houses were in flames. They came running to swamy and begged his pardon. Swamy assured them saying that only sinners will be effected and the rest will be saved. Only the house of the reprobate was burnt to ashes and all others were safe and intact. The reprobate prostrated at the feet of Swamy and begged his pardon.

In those days there very few visitors for Swamy's darshan. On seeing his fire, palmyrah leaves, gunny bags, aliminum utensils, dust ladden clothes, ordinary people took him to be lunatic. How can ordinary people understand dispassion of a saint? Only those devotees who has personal experience came to the darshan of Sri Swamy and took him as "the God on earth".

Saints from many ashrams used to come to have darshan of Swamy. Once Chidananda swamy, Madhavananda swamy and Devananda swamy from Rushikesh - sivananda ashramam were coming for darshan of Sri Swamy. On hearing this thousands of people came to Golagamudi to take darsan of these swamis. As they did not turn up on time mob was disappointed and were on their way to home, atonce swamy said, "Ayya! they are coming still there is a little time". Really within few minutes those swamiji came in taxis. When they came they were immensed in chanting devine nama, "Narayana, Narayana." They all prostrated to the feet of Sri Venkaiah Swamy. They realised vishnu tatwam (protector of the world) in Sri Swamy and treated him as Lord Vishnu. Poor villagers, they were wonder struck to see how Venkaiah Swamy is treated with greatest reverence and this incident is a eye opener for them to realise the greatness of Sri Venkaiah Swamy and treat him as "God on Earth." Madhavananda swamy offered sweets to Sri Swamy. Swamy Said, " Ayya ! Eating sweets is same as eating poison, give these to every one who gathered here." Madhavananda Swamy realised his mistake, begged pardon and distributed sweets to every one around. Sri Swamy blessed Chidananda Swamy that he will cross ocean on a tour, to his surprise as soon as he returned from Golagamudi he as to go for a tour for America.

On another occasion when sweets were offered to Sri Swamy, he mixed chilli powder, killed the taste and took it. Sri Swamy never in his life time cherished on taste of the food items. He only takes diet which is exactly sufficient to maintain body. He never comments on the taste of the item offered. When any thing is offered to swamy, he always distributed it among his servants. He took very little part which comes as biksha.


It is offering of devotees when any one comes to their house for alms. Lord Datta used to take biksha from his devotees and who ever offers him biksha they will be relieved from their troubles or diseases. Sri Venkaiah Swamy being in avadhuta tradition followed the same way indicating that he is avatar of lord datta. Eventhough devotees organised poor feeding and functions in presence of Sri Swamy, he still insisted his servants to get biksha from the near by houses in Golagamudi. He always sticked to his tradition (of Lord Datta) who lived by biksha. 

One day two famous magicians came to golagamudi. They sat under a tree in front of the ashram at 10AM. They did not move upto 4 PM. They did not speak to any one in the ashram. During this period swamy raised flames of dhuni. At 4 PM swamy ordered his men to give food and Rs 2 to these two men as they are tired of day's work. At the time of departure they said, "We were very jealous of Sri Swamy's fame and we came to do witch craft on swamy. It is very strange that we forgot our purpose and sat silently. Merciful swamy treated us with affection and we are not eligible for his compassion and love." They prostrated before swamy with whole hearted repentance for their misdeeds. 

One day Swamy was suffering from Asthama. As a remedy servants gave Swamy cup of garlic essence and pulse came down (almost to zero). Thinking that Swamy would shed off his physical frame they all started to weep with grief. They were dosing at night and during early hours they could not find swamy. They searched for him at every place and could not find him. Finally after some time they found him returning from bath with smiles leaving every one around in surprise about the previous suffering. 

One day it was pouring heavily. Swamy was sitting under a tree and protecting his sacred fire. Drops of water are falling from leaves of the trees but with strong determination swamy is making fire by putting thin dry twigs. Devotees requested Swamy to shift the fire into temple. Swamy said, " Ayya! it will lead a hole". Devotees could not understand this. Probably he means that, if on account of difficulty, if we break our principle the roof of the temple called Swadharma(ones own duty) will be broken. His every blazing Dharma nistha will also be put out like the fire in the rain. If it is the decision of the God to extinguish his fire, even though he shifted the fire into the temple, it will certainly be put out by a leakage in the roof of the temple. So, it is better to continue as it is without changing its place." 

Once a rich man left a costly bedsheet for Swamy even though Swamy refused to accept it. Sri Swamy's servants kept it with them. During hot summer, at 1 PM Swamy wanted to come down from Siddalaiah hill. On the way swamy stopped them at a place and asked for a new bedsheet. Servants were very happy to offer the new bed sheet of the rich man to Swamy. Swamy asked them to make it into small pieces of 6 inches width. When they cut into small pieces he asked them to give them to the patients as his blessings. These would relieve them from the suffering. 

He always used gunny bags palmyrah plates and mats, earthen pots and utensils made of aluminum. He never allowed his servants to keep costly articles with them. One day a rich man, even after direction of Swamy, left a costly zip bag at Swamy. One of the servants took it and kept his clothes in it. Swamy put the zip bag into the fire with the help of the stick. As a punishment of receving the bag a servant lost his clothes.

Lived by Biksha:

Without shradda and devotion if rich people offered money he refused it and did not give blessings. When people come with sincere devotion and sradha they get his blessings written in piece of paper. He is always dependent on biksha(food offered by earnest devotees). When wishes of the devotees are fulfilled by swamy they conducted anna santarpana in presence of Swamy. Some other people conducted such feasts during festivals. Even during such occasions his servants should inevitably go out and collect biksha. He used to say, "Ayya! if we do not go to villagers as these people are conducting feasts tomorrow villagers will not give us biksha."

Servants once asked swamy, what would be their fate when he takes samadhi? Swamy promptly replied that he would arrange every thing for his devotees and they need not beg for food. They will get food even if they are in forests. On some other occassion for the similar question Swamy assured, "I will not go any where. I will be available till sun and moon exist." 

He never accepted service of his servants when their minds were polluted with bad thoughts, anger, abuse etc. One day Guravaiah served gruel after listening to his colleagues critising others. Swamy said, "You have come here after listening some comments. I cannot take gruel from you." Upto 1978 Swamy never accepted new clothes from any one. He is always satisfied with his rags and torn out bed sheets which were got by begging. Also he never allowed his servants to receive new clothes from others.

At times he used to ask his servants to take straight. However thorny or full of boulders the path may be, straight means straight. His servants never used shoes. One of his servant says,"On his command we uttered omkar loudly and walked straight stepping on thorns and rocks. By the grace of Sri Swamy not even a single thorn had pricked our feet. Even though we carried Sri Swamy from 12 noon to 3 PM, without any rest and food, across such a rugged path, at times on burning sand we never got fatigued." Swamy used to say, "Ayya! Gods from heaven have paid thirty crores and took receipt."

One day Swamy pointed to sacred fire and said, "Ayya here is the worship of crore lingas being carried out." 

Palkonda Subba Reddy says, "Once Swamy was saying at Mudigedu village. Daily when returned from bath he asked me to carry a bundle of chaff of dried gingilly oil plants. Within a month the compound of A Venkata Rami Reddy was filled with the bundles of dried gingilly oil plants. One day I asked Swamy What for are these Swamy ?" Swamy replied, "Ayyo after a month there will be continous pouring for days together. At that time this chaff will be the only source to our fire" Actually there was continous down pour. Logs of wood were laid on the floor under a thatched shelter. These dry gingilly oil twigs were placed on the logs and fire continued to burn. The rain water flowed under the logs of wood! A Vekata Rami Reddy has to accept the fact that Sri Swamy is aware of every happening in the nature.

On 20th June 1974 Sri Swamy was very very weak. Devudula Venkataiah thought that Sri Swamy will not survive long. At once omniscient Swamy answered his doubts: "Ayya! I am not going just now. I should be here for a period of eight years, two months and four days." Exactly on that day Sri Swamy had his Mahasamadhi. 

From the year before his Mahasamadhi he was continously asking for chappals. He never used chappals in his life time. He wanted to establish padukas as his representatives resembling datta tradition. His devotees wanted to make sandal wood padukas. But they could not make it in time. One day swamy continously shouting "chappals, chappals." The Omnipotent swamy mysteriously impelled Rosi Reddy's son to get a pair of padukas. He hugged those padukas and did not leave them for hours. Those padukas are now worshipped in Guru sthanam (Place where Swamy used to be in meditation for longer times and where he left his mortal coil) in Golagamudi.

In the month of April 1982 Sri Rama Navami day Sri Guravaiah, his close servant had a dream. In that dream Sree Rama came with Seetha and Lakshmana and requested Sri Swamy "Your time is over, shed off your body and come along with us".

Two months before Mahasamadhi Sri Swamy was very weak with asthama. One day he asked them to write on piece of paper "I am going away" He was unconscious for few hours. All the devotees thought that Sri Swamy was going to take Mahasamadhi. The servants were in great grief. After few hours he woke up and sat erect and said "Ayya! the Gods did not agree and asked me to be here for some more time". 

In the same way Shiridi Sai also got back his senses after seventy two hours as mentioned in life history of Sai.

Four days before Mahasamadhi Sri Guravaiah had a dream vision. A celestial charriot from heaven came and stood before swamy. Sri Swamy got into the charriot. Guravaiah also tried to get into it. But the inmates did not allow him to get into it. The charriot went into the sky and disappeared. 

Three days before Mahasamadhi Sri Guravaiah goat a dream. The picture of Sri Swamy which was in Samadhi Mandir, came into the thatched shed where Sri Swamiji was living and stood by the side of Shiridi Sai picture. It is an indication that here after, his devotees should worship his picture just as they are worshipping Sai. 

A few days before Mahasamadhi, Sri Swamy was continously shouting "It is Sun Set, it is sun set" On one hand he means that his avatar's mission on earth was coming to an end and on the other hand to evoke the people to get up from their deep slumber and use their precious time in Sadhana for the realisation of mukthi. 

Sri Swamy already predicted his Mahasamadhi to Rosi Reddy through a vivid vision for a few days continously. In his vision he saw a "fine and bright sun set".

On that day, 24th August 1982 Guravaiah completed the devotional reading of the life history of Madhavadasu. In his life history a chariot from heaven took Madhavadasu to heaven.

Sri Swamy shed off his mortal coil in 24th August 1982. The servants and devotees thought that he was in Yoga sleep and wake up again. They hopefully waited for 3 days. On the third day Guravaiah was possessed a trance like state, and carried Sri Swamy's body to Samadhi Mandir from the thatched shed, saying that Sri Swamy directed him to preserve his body in the samadhi on the same day. 

Pallam Reddy thought "Sri Swamy is undoubtedly a great saint. But why was his body swollen like that of an ordinary man?" Pallam Reddy removed his shirt and banian and got down into the Samadhi pit. He lowered swamy's body into the pit. By the time he came out of pit his chest was smeared with fresh blood. It was not from his body. It was from the body of swamy. While Guravaiah was carring Sri Swamy's body, through the hedge gate, a thorn might have pricked Sri Swamy's shoulder and it is bleeding. The bleeding of warm blood from a three days old dead body is a extraordinary thing. This answered doubts of Pallam Reddy. 

In 1980 Sri Swamy, once pointed a place in Golagamudi and said there will come up a maszid as big as Penchala Swamy hill. By the end of 1981 Sri Swamy's words turned to be true. Within a year there was built up a big Samadhi Mandir for Swamy. But why did Swamy call his samadhi mandir as maszid? Undoubtedly Sri Swamy confirmed in his own words his oneness with Shirdi Sai. A good number of devotees experiences also prove the same truth. 

Dwarakamai is the name given by Shirdi Sai Baba to the Maszid where he lived for sixty years. This maszid is unique in this world as no maszid in this world allows people of all religions to worship there according to their own rituals except the maszid of Saibaba at shirdi. Sri Swamy also referred his samadhi mandir as maszid. His words came true because people from all the religions worship Swamy and get solace from their problems. 

Once Sri Swamy assured, "I will pull my lambby leg, even though it is mixed up among thousands of sheep". That means, Sri Swamiji says he would pull his devotees where ever they may be and drag them towards him.

For more details about Bhagavan Sri Venkaiah Swamy temple please visit

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Prasad to open modern Pangasinan (Philippines) seed facility

Prasad Seeds Philippines Inc., a unit of Prasad Seeds of Hyderabad, India,  open Wednesday a $10-million corn seed processing facility in Rosales, Pangasinan on July.

Senator Cynthia Villar, chairperson of the Senate committee on agriculture and food, lead the inauguration of a state-of-the-art corn seed processing facility to help boost the country’s corn self-sufficiency goal.

A pioneering investment of Prasad Seeds, the corn seed processing facility will help transform Pangasinan into becoming the “seed capital” of the Philippines, said former agriculture secretary William Dar.

Dar, Prasad Seeds strategic adviser for global expansion, said Prasad Seeds Philippines Inc., led by Karumanchi Prasad as Chairman, would initially provide such services as corn drying, shelling, treating, conditioning and packaging, including fumigation, warehousing and cold storage, seed production research trials and commercial seed production.

He added the company’s solid three-decade experience in India had led to making Andra Pradesh, now Telangana the seed capital of India, where most of the multinational seed companies had availed of the seed processing services of Prasad Seeds.

“Likewise, we will aspire to transform Pangasinan into becoming the seed capital of the Philippines, and eventually the country as the corn seed hub in Southeast Asia,” said Dar, adding Prasad Seeds planned to expand its operations in Indonesia and Vietnam.

Prasad Seeds Philippines initially forged a service agreement with Syngenta, a global seed company, to process its locally-produced hybrid corn seeds. Syngenta also served as a staunch partner of Prasad Seeds in India.

Convinced that its investment augurs well for the country’s corn industry, Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala recently endorsed Prasad Seeds Philippines to the Board of Investments a ‘pioneering status.’

In an endorsement letter to Trade Secretary Gregory Domingo, Alcala said the investment of Prasad Seeds Philippines in corn seed processing facility featured improved fuel efficiency, power savings and improved corn seed quality and recovery.

Prasad Seeds employs a drying technology that uses fuel efficiently and consumes 20 percent lesser LPG compared with existing dyers. It also uses US-designed blower and burner systems that result in shorter drying time and reduced power consumption by 20 percent.

Prasad Seeds dryers, thus, achieve 52 percent to 54 percent recovery, six percentage points higher than similar facilities in Pangasinan, producing much cleaner seeds, with better vigor and germination, and therefore higher yields.

Sunday 12 July 2015

TruJet's first flight takes off from Hyderabad to Tirupati

HYDERABAD: The maiden flight of city-based regional low cost carrier TruJet, part of Turbo Megha Airways Pvt Ltd, took off today from here to Tirupati. 

Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju inaugurated the first commercial flight of TruJet, promoted by a group of investors Vankayalapati Umesh (MD) and Tollywood actor Ram Charan Teja. 

The minister attended the candle-lighting ceremony at the Shamshabad Airport here this morning and flagged off the first flight to Tirupati to mark official launch of Trujet flight services, an official statement said. 

Promoters of the company Vankayalapati Umesh (Managing Director) Ram Charan and Prem Kumar were among others who were present on the occasion. 

The airliner has plans to acquire more aircraft and setting up a maintenance, repair and overhaul facility entailing an investment of Rs 500 crore as it also plans to gradually add new destinations. 

The company has a fleet of two ATR 72-500 aircraft leased from an Irish company.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Dr.Venkata Kolli win American Psychiatry Association MindGames quiz

Three Indian origin doctors, two of them having roots in the region, have brought laurels for the country by winning the American Psychiatry Association Mind Games Quiz competition held at Toronto recently. This is the first time in the history of this quiz since its inception in 2007 that three Indian origin doctors formed the team and emerged victorious over doctors from New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia Campus) and New York Presbyterian Hospital (Cornell Campus) in USA.

The winning participants in the "Jeopardy"-like quiz competition were Venkata Kolli, M.D., Varun Monga, M.D., and Rohit Madan, M.D. They won with an exciting, come-from-behind victory after wagering 3,000 points on the final MindGames question and giving the correct answer to "Name the brain region activated when an individual is in a resting state." (Answer: Default Mode Network).

Dr Venkata Kolli is from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. He received his medical degree from the NTR University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. He also trained in the United Kingdom.

World University Games: Surekha strikes silver

Surekha, along with Punjabi University student Kawalpreet Singh, loses to the host team from Republic of Korea in the final

 Vijayawada archer and Koneru Lakshmaiah University student Vennam Jyothi Surekha won a silver medal for the country in the World University Games in progress at Gwangju, Korea, on Tuesday.

She, along with Punjabi University student Kawalpreet Singh, lost to host Republic of Korea in the mixed compound event. Indian duo punched 150 against the host nation’s 157.

“Korea was in lead right from the first game. Jyothi garnered 77 points (out of 80) while Kawalpreet was able to haul 73. Kalwalpreet looked a bit dejected as earlier the day he lost to Italy in the men’s team bronze medal event,” Surekha’s father Surendra said.Earlier, Surekha and Kawalpreet defeated Belgium pair in the bronze medal fixture. Belgium gave a tough fight but the Indian archers managed to move ahead (154-153) just in time.

In the quarterfinal, the Indian duo defeated Mexico by three points (156-153).

In the individual event, Jyothi Surekha, a third year engineering student, finished fifth as she went down to a Mexican archer just by one point (146-147) losing an opportunity to enter the semi-finals. Surekha’s medal is the first one by any athlete from the State in the World University Games.

She is unlikely to come to Vijayawada as she, after landing in Delhi on July 10, will undergo a training stint and later would proceed to Copenhagen (Denmark) to take part in the World Archery Championship from June 26.

Saturday 4 July 2015

5 Kammas selected for Civil Services (UPSC) 2014

Here is the list of candidates selected for Civil Services 2014






Friday 3 July 2015

A road named after Veerasamy Naidu in Singapore

Veerasamy Road - Little India/ Singapore

Veerasamy Road was renamed twice in its history; it was originally called Inche Lane, and was renamed Jalan Tambah in 1910. In 1927, the road was renamed again as Veerasamy Road, in honour of Dr N. Veerasamy Naidu (1865-1926), one of Singapore’s first Indian doctors and a leader in the local Indian community.

After his education at Raffles School, Dr Veerasamy became a medical practitioner for 40 years. He was later appointed as a Municipal Commissioner and Justice of Peace. Dr Veerasamy was buried at his family burial ground at Bedok after his death in 1926.

It was only in 1912 that the first Hindu public Holiday was granted to the Indian community by the government. This was for Deepavali,57 but it was notlegislated as an annual affair. The first LegislatedHindu Public Holiday came in 1914 when the Hindu community was given a say to choose between Deepavali or Thaipusam. In a meeting of the Hindu Association, presided by Dr Veerasamy.

Ravi Suryadevara Elected as President of the American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago

Ravi Suryadevara elected as President of the American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad and Tobago, AMCHAM T&T (First Vice President, AMCHAM T&T)

Ravi Suryadevara is the C.E.O. and co-owner of Trinidad Valve and Fitting Company Limited. He has 15+ years experience in the process instrumentation, control and automation field.

Ravi Suryadevara was educated at St, Mary’s College in Port-of-Spain. He attained a BSc. in Nuclear Engineering from Pennsylvania State University and an MBA in Finance/Tourism at the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, The University of the West Indies.

Mr. Suryadevara is the Trade and Investment Committee Chair. He is also a member of The Energy Chamber.

Pentela Harikrishna Wins Edmonton International Chess Tournament

Pentela Harikrishna took the first place in the 10-player round robin event held from 20th to 29th June 2015. He scored 7.5 points from 9 games to beat the Ukraine's Vassily Ivanchuk, who finished second. Ivanchuck was the defending champion.

Grand Master Pentela Harikrishna won the 10th Edmonton International round robin Chess tournament at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The World No. 25 took the first place in the 10-player round robin event held from 20th to 29th June 2015. He scored 7.5 points from 9 games to beat the Ukraine's Vassily Ivanchuk, who finished second. Ivanchuck was the defending champion.

As a result he improved his FIDE rating to 2740, according to an official media release.
Harikrishna had six wins and three draws on his way to the title.

In the opening round, Harikrishna faced Olympic Gold Medalist Samuel Shankland of USA.
His second round opponent was Matras Clement from Poland and Harikrishna smoothly overcame him.

The fifth round was a bit tricky for him against Dale Haessel. However, he defeated the veteran who has played all ten editions of the tournament.

The game against Vassily was of extreme importance. An unusual mistake by the defending champion allowed Harikrishna to advance.

Shane Naidoo, Miss South Africa 2015 finalist

“Entering Miss South Africa means, fulfilling a lifelong dream and embarking on a journey of self-discovery. I am confident that I will be a worthy leader and an ambassador for our country. I believe that I possess the strength, determination and confidence to represent our country on a national and international level. I have passion and compassion, and believe that our people are our greatest asset. I aim to combine my personal goals and strengths with those of the Miss South Africa organisation to make a positive social impact in our society by means of engaging with our people and emphasising their strengths. I want to be a role model to young women across the country and an ambassador for women’s empowerment.”

Shane Naidoo, Miss South Africa 2015 finalist!!

Shane Naidoo, 22 years old finalist of Miss South Africa 2015, comes from Farrarmere in Benoni and is a third year student of Industrial Engineering at Wits. Shane decided to study engineering because she enjoys the challenge that the course presents. The industrial environment, she believes, allows her to be creative an innovative while still applying logic and working with numbers. “It’s a field that focuses on optimising and improving, which is something that speaks to me on so many different levels, as the knowledge obtained from this programme can be applied to a multitude of different areas in my life.”, she says.

Shane lives with her parents in Benoni. Her mom is an ex-teacher and entrepreneur and her dad is the technical manager of a cement ready-mix manufacturing company. Shane says that her parents have been supportive of every decision of her and she shares great bond with them. Shane has an elder sister and she believes that both of them have been raised with strong morals and values by their parents, who taught them to be independent. Shane is a fitness freak and likes to work out at the gym and attend power boxing classes. In her spare time, she likes to be indulged in a good book to unwind herself and relax.

The 22 years old, Benobni beauty is an adventure queen. She unveils her adventurous side and talks about her voyage experiences and says, “I’m a bit of an adrenalin junkie. I’ve been bungee jumping, zip-lining, swimming with dolphins and I have experienced sky-diving simulation. Next on my bucket list is conquering the Soweto Tower. One day I would like to skydive over the Palm Islands in Dubai. I crave adventure!”

Shane follows and considers Oprah Winfrey as her solitary idol. Oprah Winfrey is an American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer, and philanthropist. Talking about Oprah, shane says, “Oprah Winfrey embodies everything that a strong, successful woman should be. Her life is the ultimate success story. She is a true example of persistence and determination. Her teachings are empowering and I admire the way she uses her platform to reach out to millions of people across the world and touch so many lives. She inspires me on both a personal and a professional level.”

S Alagarsamy 5 times MLA from Kovilpatti

S. Alagarsamy (August 1926 – 6 March 2009) was an Indian politician and was elected as Member of the Legislative Assembly for 5 terms from 1967 to 1991 to the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly as an Communist Party of India candidate from Kovilpatti constituency in 1967, 1971, 1977, 1980 and 1989 elections.

He was born on 5 August 1926 to A. Soliah and S.Koppammal in a village Ramanoothu, Tuticorin Dist, Tamil Nadu. Having lost his father at the age of 13, he had to take on the responsibilities of taking care of their agricultural farming. He and his younger brother S.Ramasamy were brought up by their widowed mother and aunt.

He first contested for Madras State Assembly in 1957 and continued to contest in all subsequent State General Assembly Elections till 1989 from Kovilpatti constituency Prior to that he contested for Unified Tirunelveli Jilla Board in 1952.

The then unified Tirunelveli district consisted of the present Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kannayakumari Districts and part of Malabar and Ramnad District. He was leader of the CPI Legislative Group from 1971 till 1991 in The Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly.

Thiru C.N.Annadurai was the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, when he was the Member of the Legislative Assembly in 1967 and subsequently he continued to be M.L.A, when Thiru V.R. Nedunchezhiyan, Thiru. M. Karunanidhi and Thiru M. G. Ramachandran, were the Chief Ministers of Tamil Nadu. He was well respected by the all Chief Ministers and other political leaders across party lines.

He was affectionatlely called “ Annachi “  by his thousands of followers and others . He gained respect and great loyal following due to his leadership,honesty, simplicity, loyalty, hardwork, and openness. These qualities enabled him to win the Assembly Election continuously irespective of the political waves.

He held various public offices in Kovilpatti Taluk for many years- President of Ramanoothu Village, Elementary School Management Board President, Milk Society and Housing Society President, Marketing Society President . He also served as board of Director in various co-operative organisations and banks. He was member of District Development Council for Tirunelveli and Tuticorin Districts. He was heading Tamil Nadu Kishan Sabha organisation and Vice President of All India Kishan Sabha . Leader of Tamil Nadu State Assembly CPI Group. He served in various Tamil Nadu Government Legislative Committees. He served as State Executive Committee Member and State Control Committee President of Communist Party of India.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Namboori K Govindaswamy Naidu: An industrialist and philanthropist from Coimbatore

Annur Annadhana Vallal Dharmaveera Namboorar Sri K Govindaswamy Naidu (12 July 1907 - 28 January 1995), popularly known as KG, was an industrialist and philanthropist from Coimbatore, in Tamil Nadu, in South India.

Annur Dharmaveera Namboorar Sri K Govindaswamy Naidu was born to an agricultural family. His formative years were difficult, and he had very little formal education. For a while, he worked with his father who was a highway contractor. He started his own business before he was twenty years old, after gaining experience in a grocery shop as an assistant.

In 1932, KG started his first ginning factory. Over the next six decades, his industrial ventures were in cotton ginning and spinning, weaving denim fabrics, manufacturing terry towels, castings, motor pumpsets and entertainment with an asset base of Rs.2 billion and sales of Rs. 3 billion, of which more than 25% came from exports. He believed in modern technology and set high standards in the business practices and for products manufactured. Revival of sick units was one of his business strategies. To create employment in rural areas, he located all his factories in villages, away from the urban areas. He insisted on employing women wherever possible.

KG was a proponent of such ideals as vegetarianism, teetotalism, piety, simple living and punctuality. He was an early riser who believed that hardwork and discipline helped achieve whatever goals you set in business. His favourite deity was Palani Sri Dhandayudapani Swamy, who he believed to be the source of all his achievements.

KG donated generously to a number of causes: religious, educational, medical service, social services, and poverty alleviation. Among his good works are six schools, a hospital with 300 beds, and scores of temples. Annandhanam – serving food - was his favorite act of service. He donated to mosques and churches also. He believed that he was only an instrument in the hands of Muruga in his service to humanity.

In recognition of KG's philanthropy, Saravanampatti Adheenam bestowed the title "Annadhana Vallal" on him. Poojya Sri Mahasannidhanam Sri Sri Abhinava Vidya Teertha Mahaswamigal of Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri, bestowed the title "Dharmaveera" on KG for his contributions to religious activities, including the funding and construction of the Sharadambal temple (1979) at Race Course, Coimbatore.

The Department of Posts, part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India, released a special postal cover of K Govindaswamy Naidu in commemoration of the centenary celebrations at a function in his hometown, Annur on 18 July 2009.

List of Kamma MPs in 1st Loksabha (12) 1952-1957

List of Kamma MP's in 1st Loksabha 

1.Anantapur: Paidi Lakshmayya - Congress 

2.Eluru: Kondru Subba Rao - Communist Party

3.Gudiwada: Kadiyala Gopala Rao - Communist Party 

4.Narasaraopet: Chapalamadugu Ramaiah Chowdary - Independent 

5.Parvathipuram: Nuthakki Ramaseshaiah - Independent 

6.Tenali: Kotha Raghuramaiah - Congress

7.Khammam: Thammieni B. Vittal Rao - Communist Party 

8.Tiruvallur: R. Govindrajulu Naidu - Congress

9.Tiruvallur: V. Govindasamy Naidu - Congress

10.Cuddalore: T.D. Muthukumarasami Naidu - Congress Reforms Committee

11.Pollachi: Govindaswami Naidu Rangaswami Naidu Damodaran - Congress

12.South Kanara: B. Shiva Rao - Congress

P. Seenivasan 3 times MLA, Speaker Tamilnadu Assembly (defeted Kamaraj Nadar)

Mr. Seenivasan, who was a student leader in 1967, at the age of 25 he contested from the Virudhunagar constituency on the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam ticket and defeated Congress stalwart K. Kamaraj Nadar by a margin of 1,285 votes.

Born at Appaiya Naickerpatti near Srivilliputtur [now in Virudhunagar district], Mr Seenivasan had his education in Madurai and Madras. He took part in the anti-Hindi agitations in the 1960s and was arrested thrice. He was again elected from Virudhunagar in 1971. Mr. Seenivasan later became the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly. He served as the Deputy Speaker of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly from 24th March 1971 to 9th March 1974 (He performed the duties of Speaker from 2nd December 1972 to 3rd August 1973). He was again elected to the Tamil Nadu assembly in 1989, defeating  Ayyappan, father of famous actress Sridevi.

On both occasions, he was in the DMK.Mr. Seenivasan was in the Congress for a brief period. At the time of death, he was in the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam. 

A leading light of the anti-Hindi agitation that rocked the state in 1965, Srinivasan emerged as a giant killer when he defeated late K Kamaraj in his home turf of Virudunagar in the 1967 assembly lections in Tamil Nadu, which saw the end of Congress rule in the state.As a student leader, he spearheaded the anti-Hindi agitation in which several people were killed in police firing. He became deputy speaker of the assembly in 1971.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Suneel Tripuraneni made a Hollywood debut with a horror film (Dead Story)

This indie horror movie, directed by new filmmaker Suneel Tripuraneni, haunts audiences long after the credits roll. Dead Story tells the chilling tale of a young married couple, Anne and Harold Harris, who move to an old house in the country to start their lives together. Anne, an avid photographer, begins to wander about the property and the beautiful countryside, unaware of the house’s dark and bloody history. On December 1914, a young bride brutally murdered her husband while he slept in his bed, the very house that Anne and Harold now live in. Their long friends, Neil and Emma, are over one night for dinner when Neil beings to tell them all about their house’s “dead story.” Neil warns them that anyone who listens to the story will invite death into their homes. After brushing off Neil’s tale as fiction, strange and disturbing things start to happen around them and the couple soon finds out what is at the end of their “dead story.”  A heart-pounding and nail-biting performance from its cast makes this story, a story to die for.

This indie flick has a stellar cast including Kelsey Deanne, who stars in the flick as the lead female role, Anne Harris. She has worked on major movie sets, including “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “Shark Lake”. Chase Austin plays her husband, Harold Harris, and is quickly becoming a household name, starring in local productions in his native Texas.

Suneel was born in Vijayawada, India. His interest in films led him to the USA where he earned a Masters degree in Film Production from DePaul University in Chicago. He has been involved in numerous short films, music videos and feature films.

For more information about Dead Story, please visit: